A “connected worker” sounds pretty futuristic…but what exactly is it, what benefits does it give you, and how do you make it a reality? These are common questions, and it’s often hard to get a straight answer, but at Silverhorse Technologies we have the tools and expertise to cut through the confusion.

Simply put, the “connected worker” has access to all the information they need, simply, easily, readily and available at all times. Instead of manually pulling information from spreadsheets, creating graphs, searching for the right person to ask and comparing diagrams to reality, imagine a totally scenario. An office employee comes in and sees a personalised dashboard, a frontline worker uses wearable technology with augmented reality to guide them to the right location, a management meeting uses a real-time 3D digital twin to plan their actions.

Sounds unachievable? With Silverhorse’s Intelligent Data Hub, it’s not only easy, it doesn’t even require any change to the systems and solutions you already have. Our IDH technology slots in seamlessly in the background to unlock new insights and efficiencies, and power the connected worker experience your organisation has dreamed of.


Hi, I’m Josh Goolnik, I’m the Vice President of Global Projects at Silverhorse technologies and I’m here today to talk to you today about the connected worker.

The connected worker is a term a lot of people hear and see at trade shows but it might not be a term they fully understand and when we talk about the connected worker, what we are talking about is a workforce in whatever industry and whatever role, where they have access to all the information that they need. Often the problem is that there is a lot of information around but it will be stored in different systems and because of that it won’t be kept up to date and won’t be in sync.

So, at Silverhorse Technologies, the way we are solving that problem is with our intelligent data hub software. It is an information orchestrator that sits in the background and it works agnostically with any technology so that all your information can be kept in sync and kept up to date. All of those different data silos that you have had previously can now be kept together and that connected work experience can finally be realised.